Last day,i got micro-e camp,2 days 1 night.V play until very exhanted becos d arrangement of d activities r so close,no time 2 rest."Bukit Ayer Kasih Jungle Resort",at Perlis 1.There is worst than my BTN camp n v have 2 3 person sleep in a chalet,d chalet got air con but d blanket r so dirty,got ants n pasir 1.At night v 11pm gather 2 play war game,but have 2 wait all groups member gather then can start.V wait till 1am baru can start becos of few stupid fellow go 2 sleep n dun 1 2 come.They all so selfish,they 1 2 rest,v all no need 2 sleep merr.They let us wait them so long but show no guity!!!
After tat,v play war game n when 2.30am d game end d,v have 2 gather again 2 count person.There got 1 malay guy missing when they check.D organiser go out find him n v all wait wait wait till 3.30am.Tat time,got 1 malay girl kena hantu rasuh.OMG!She suddenly pengsan,her friends carry her go downstair,she like "fatt yong tiu".They all say is "gui shang shen".This is d 1st time i watch live show,heard many times this kind of story but live is the 1st time.D organiser go n talk 2 tat "thg",ask it 2 stay away from tat girl.Wah!
Later about 4am,tat missing person they found him d.He trap in d "jungle" n find no way 2 come bk.He said tat he saw an old man n after tat,he feel he walking in a circle n find no road 2 bk,all d place look blank only.Wah!My another new experince!
Tat malay girl(dirasuhi hantu) went 2 kolam side when war game start.She saw sumthg wo,then she talk 2 it n later her friends say she throw tat thg a stone.After coming bk gather she already feel not comfortable d.Then she seem 2 pengsan d.Heard others say tat after 4am sumthg,they invite bomo come until 7am sumthg baru manage 2 wake tat malay girl bk.They ask her 2 say sorry 2 tat thg,but she ask her friend go la.(Y not she go herself?She is d 1 tat do wrong thg wat.I also dunno.)
After heard this kind of thg,my housemate(same chalet) they go 2 another chalet "ma pou" wth friends,i stay in room alone.Wah!actually quite cheppy sleep alone after heard tat news but since there is no place 4 me 2 sleep in tat chalet,i rather stay alone.Sleep from 4.20am till 6.45am only,tat time 1 2 siao d.Becos still got activity.T-T...Tat time really 1 2 kill d organiser becos they set siren so loud!!!
So after all event end d is almost 2.30pm d.I go bk hostel pack all d thg about 3.30pm n sleep till 7.30pm...Hahaha...
Btw,y would happen this kind of situation?
D organiser should take responsible becos of not well prepared n arranged,but not only blame us 4 din follow d rule.Gather time dint tell clearly,my friends n i punctual also no use,since "SUM" of d people dunno when 2 gather,n gather also no use,since activities dint start in time.
I believe tat "SUM" student dint behave their self,they should use their brain think about d consequence.But organiser they all should noe once all group members start play game,they hardly 2 control their behavior.They should arrange sum people stay at place tat quite dangerous like kolam or sum place darker,not place tat lightly enough.N seem v all is new 2 d place,they should lead us,group by group,but not play among themselve during war game.
Maybe i just saw part of it only,but indeed it need 2 improve.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Micro-e Camp - WAR GAME AT NIGHT
Posted by Ng at 8:37 AM
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